Parasitic organisms are not something abstract and distant. Many people do not even believe that they do not live "alone". Whole colonies of microorganisms live on the skin and inside the human body. Some of them are dangerous and harmful, while others are necessary for a healthy life and the proper functioning of the bodyThe normal microflora protects against the reproduction of pathogens; useful microorganisms help to generate the necessary acid in the environment and are involved in many chemical processes in the body. In addition to microbes, dangerous protozoa or parasitic worms can also occur in the human body. As they develop and multiply, they negatively affect human health, suppressing the immune system and interfering with the proper functioning of all systems. How to recognize parasites in the human body when parasitic infestation is often asymptomatic? Often a person becomes ill and diesbut this is in no way associated with the presence of parasites.
Symptoms of a dangerous neighborhood

Parasites in the human body are in most cases small and live all or part of their life cycle in the host's body. Modern science has studied more than three hundred species of parasites that can live in the human body. Internally, helminths affect the intestines, suppress the immune system and negatively affect vital organs. Timely detection of parasites and appropriate treatment can prevent serious health problems: allergies, kidney and liver dysfunction. Modern diagnostic methods allow you to find out whether there are uninvited guests in the body. There are a number of symptoms that indirectly indicate an infection. If you pay close attention to your health, a person should notice unpleasant new changes and not ignore them. The main signs of a parasitic infection are the following symptoms:
- A decrease in body weight often occurs against the background of a decrease in appetite, but often a person notices an increase in appetite while losing weight.
- The development of anemia is due to the massive parasite infestation and the resulting lack of nutrients in the human body.
- With indigestion, a person notes frequent diarrhea alternating with constipation.
- Development of problems associated with malfunctions of the digestive tract.
- Constant discomfort under the ribs on the right.
- Symptoms of arthritis, which manifest themselves as pain in muscles and joints.
- There is a deterioration in appearance, skin lesions in the form of rashes, redness or peeling.
- An increase in the number of infectious diseases due to reduced immunity.
- Allergic reactions due to poisoning by waste products of parasites.
- Deterioration of character, appearance of irritability, aggressiveness due to a lack of important microelements and vitamins.
- Reduced performance, feeling of constant tiredness, sleepiness.
- Sleep disorders, reduced ability to concentrate.

The mentioned symptoms occur in a variety of diseases, so it is impossible to say with 100% certainty that a person is infected with parasites. The diagnosis is made after an examination by a specialist.
How does a parasite infection occur?
A person can become infected with parasites in different ways. If you know the transmission routes, you can significantly reduce the risk of a parasitic infection:
- Eat inadequately processed vegetables, fruits and greens. Numerous parasites are transmitted to humans through the consumption of poorly processed plant foods. This happens due to the transmission of infections from contaminated soil. To protect yourself, it is important to handle vegetables and fruits carefully and wash your hands before eating.
- Drink dirty water. To reduce the risk of infection, it is important to only drink boiled water. When visiting developing countries, you should only drink bottled water. Swimming in unknown waters is not permitted, especially if the sanitary service has banned swimming in certain waters.
- Consumption of semi-raw meat and fish products. There are parasites that are transmitted this way. To protect yourself, it is important to avoid eating under-processed meat; eat only products that have a quality certificate and have been tested by health authorities. During cooking, you should observe the temperature regime and fry (boil) the product thoroughly.
- Contact with an infected person. Some helminthiases are transmitted through household contact. The most popular group that people become infected with from a sick person are pinworms. A disease such as cysticercosis is also widespread. To protect yourself from infection, you must wash your hands before every meal or after visiting crowded places and avoid eating food prepared by strangers in spontaneous markets or dubious establishments.
- Contact with feces or skin parasites from infected animals. To protect yourself, it is important to pay careful attention to hygiene and systematically treat your pets for fleas.

Diagnostic methods: traditional methods
The classic method for diagnosing parasites in the body is stool analysis. In the morning, immediately before delivery, collect it in a glass container with an airtight lid. The maximum possible storage time for feces is a maximum of ten hours in a cold place. The analysis detects worms from different groups.
The most effective method is considered to identify parasites such as:
- roundworms;
- whipworms;
- tapeworm;
- tapeworms;
- Fluke;
- schistosomes.
The presence of pinworms is diagnosed by nighttime itching. To diagnose enterobiasis, curettage is performed. It is made using a special adhesive tape. The effectiveness of the technique is very high, the main thing is to carry out the procedure correctly. Before washing the genitals, a doctor will perform a scraping. To obtain an accurate result, it is recommended to repeat the test a few days after the first collection.
Stool donation is not always effective; Some people do not like this simple procedure because they find it extremely uncomfortable. For this reason, it is necessary to know how to recognize parasites in other ways.
Diagnostic methods: new options
If you notice the appearance of unusual symptoms, a person should consult a specialist and undergo an examination. This will help find the cause of the problem and identify the type of helminth. There are a number of diagnostic measures that make it possible to accurately identify the presence of parasitic organisms and determine their type, quantity and location.
Some time ago, the presence of helminths was diagnosed by taking a stool sample. The method is simple and painless, but its accuracy is low. Often the result is false negative and the person continues to suffer from helminthiasis or a parasitic infestation. To achieve the best possible result, you need to have a bowel movement at least ten times a month. Only in this case can you get an accurate answer. This is due to the peculiarities of the life activity and development cycles of parasites.

Modern medicine offers more accurate ways to identify dangerous neighbors in the human body:
- roentgenorEndoscopy (biopsy)helps identify parasites in internal organs.
- PCR. To determine the DNA of the parasite, a sample of saliva, blood or secretion is taken. The analysis allows us to determine the type (species) of the parasite.
- Linked immunosorbent assayallows the identification of antigens. With this technique you can achieve very good results. In addition to identifying the parasite, the analysis helps to determine the type of parasite, the number and developmental characteristics of the pathogenic individual.
- Bioresonance research. This technique allows you to confirm the presence of parasites in the body, but does not allow you to determine their type, location or number.
Correct behavior in the event of an infection

If a person suspects that he is infected with helminths, he should not start self-medication, but must consult a specialist. The therapist refers a parasitologist or infectious disease specialist to clarify the diagnosis. Self-medication not only turns out to be ineffective, but can also lead to a worsening of the condition.
Drugs against parasites are characterized by high toxicity and have a specific scope of application. When diagnosing parasites, the doctor prescribes a drug that affects a specific type of helminth. Since one has no idea which organisms coexist with humans, it is forbidden to undergo therapy; taking antiparasitic drugs has no effect on the problem.
Thanks to the availability of numerous research methods, it is possible to easily determine not only the type of parasite, but also its location and the degree of infection of the body. Don't ignore the problem; Timely and competent treatment guarantees recovery without serious consequences for the body.